The Importance of Linking Your E-commerce Website to Amazon

If you’re an eCommerce business, then digital marketing is paramount to ensuring your business’s success. Of course, your product is important, but without a strong marketing plan your products will remain unrecognised and you won’t achieve the sales necessary for success. For a company of any size and scale marketing can be a challenge in its diverse and complex structure and if you are not a marketing guru it can be hard, if not impossible to know where to begin with your marketing strategy. Growing the audience for your brand can take many forms, including implementing SEO techniques, using social media advertising, content writing and so forth. Alongside these key strategies, you may not have thought of the unlikely companion of using Amazon. Linking your e-commerce website to Amazon is an advanced ecommerce strategy that will very efficiently and effectively help to build your website traffic, sales, and general brand. But why do this? Amazon is the king of e-commerce! In April 2018, Amazon released its Annual Report for the past fiscal year (2017) and yet again it depicted another year of the company’s remarkable expansion and growth. The Report disclosed some of Amazon’s major growth highlights, including that Amazon Prime alone has over 100 million users and how the company’s sales have surged from $135 billion to $178 billion from 2016 to 2017. It is without question that Amazon sweeps up everytime in the online shopping stakes. Just ask yourself this - if you were looking for a product online where would you go first? We all know the answer and we stand alongside thousands of other individuals worldwide who start and complete their e-commerce shopping experience with Amazon. Amazon is taking over the world and there’s no other way to content with it than to jump on the bandwagon and let Amazon help you promote your own ecommerce identity. You can do this by linking your e-commerce website to Amazon and sell your products through the Amazon Marketplace. Selling via Amazon can be a great platform for businesses big or small. Whether you intend to use Amazon as your single distribution channel to initially jump start your e-commerce sales, or you wish to link up your pre-existing e-commerce site with Amazon it’s an undeniably great mechanism through which to drive product sales. But what really are the benefits of linking your e-commerce site to Amazon?


#1 Increased Sales Opportunities

Amazon is a crucial selling platform for online merchants and brands and can provide a wealth of sale possibilities for an e-commerce site of any size. Selling on Amazon can provide a huge revenue income for e-commerce sellers as the Amazon site already has such a large and steady stream of consumer traffic on a daily basis. The benefit of Amazon must not be neglected if you want your e-commerce site to be as profitable as it can be.

BONUS! Bet you didn’t know that Amazon will give you the sales from your own product plus additional commission if a shopper buys an additional product.

#2 Global Recognition

Amazon is an internationally recognised brand, therefore, the opportunities for the International expansion of your brand via the Amazon platform is extensive and very easily obtainable. The Amazon site itself promotes how selling through the marketplaces gives businesses access to 13 markets and 180 countries with ‘Loyal Amazon Customers’. Jeff Cohen states ‘this makes the Amazon audience unmatched elsewhere on the web… it is why sellers are able to build multiple six and seven-figure businesses with an Amazon-only approach’. Amazon has worked tirelessly to build an audience so large and this means you don’t have too! If you want to sell your product internationally this is just about the only way to attract such an immediate global online footfall. They already have the site traffic, so use it to your advantage!

#3 Strong Brand Reputation

Amazon is a key mechanism through which to build trust for your brand. Similarly to having an impressive audience, Amazon has also worked hard to become a well trusted and internationally acclaimed site. Amazon is a multinational corporation and they have mass capital resources to carefully construct a widely recognised and popularly supported brand, therefore use this pre-existing platform to build credibility and awareness of your own e-commerce brand. Amazon is quick, reliable and delivers on its promise every time- become part of this image. Ultimately, linking your e-commerce site to Amazon is vital for the long-term optimisation of your brand. So, feeling like you want to get involved?


Listing your product on Amazon Marketplace and becoming an officiated Amazon seller couldn’t be easier! Firstly, you need to set yourself up on their selling service with either a professional or individual account- a subscription fee is required but this will be more than worth its weight. In typical Amazon style they always like to keep it simple so take a look and learn more about how it works on the Amazon selling service site. If you feel as though you would like more advice and assistance as to how to effectively link your e-commerce site to Amazon, the Wriggle team would be more than happy to help! 

Contact us today.