Digital transformation – what is it all about?

We hear many brands and companies talking about digital transformation and how it is turning a corner. We as a digital marketing agency are here to look at it and how to address them.

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What is digital transformation?

Digital transformation is simply the integration of technology into every aspect of peoples lives. Businesses are using this digital era to their advantage and allowing the change in a positive way. As it can help with the addition to their marketing strategies. In addition, according to the 

MIT Centre for Digital Businesses

, “Companies that have embraced digital transformation are 26% more profitable than their average industry competitors and enjoy a 12% higher market valuation.” However, as good as this digital transformation is. It can pose some elements which need to be addresses so you don’t find yourself caught out. Digital transformation is great for collecting your customer’s data, and therefore it can be a great medium for marketing strategies. However, it is essential that you are collecting your data in the correct way. As GDPR is coming into action on the 25th May 2018, you need to ensure you are keeping in line with the new rules and regulations.  

How can digital marketing promote businesses?

Digital marketing is a revolutionary trend and a trend which can reach many potential customers. You can promote your brand awareness through different types of digital marketing, helping reach customers outside of your demographics which you target on traditional marketing platforms. Helping getting a better coverage of your target customers.   For more information on the digital transformation of marketing then get in contact with us, we would be happy to have a chat. If you would like help on any aspects of your digital marketing, then let us know. Whether it is SEO, web development or social media then ask us!