Google confirmed Algorithm updates

Google is constantly changing its algorithm, yet most of these changes are so minor we do not know about them. However, over the past few months, there has been some big changes and ones which Google has confirmed. Therefore, we thought we would share these confirmed updates with you so you can get to grips with the new changes.

Two people working on a wbesite

Mobile First Indexing (March 2018)

Google has been testing this method of working for months now. However, it is finally being rolled out across sites. Mobile first indexing is where Google will rank websites based on their mobile site. It is becoming more and more important that you optimise your mobile site as more users are using this as oppose to desktop search.  

Zero-result SERP test (March 2018)

This test has now been stopped, however, we believe it is an important test carried out by Google and it is a sign of things to come. Knowledge cards were brought out for a number of questions, showing the impact they have on other search results. So when you search a question with a definitive answer, the answer would appear at the top of Google in a knowledge card.  

“Brackets” Core Update (March 2018)

Google confirmed a core update in March. You may have noticed that certain pages increased or decreased in the rankings. If they decreased, this doesn’t necessarily mean you did anything wrong. The brackets update is about the relevance of the page, not necessarily the quality, it just may not be relevant to a specific search query.  

Meta description snippet (November 2018)

Google have been testing this for over two years now, and have finally confirmed that they will be rolling this out to all sites. Before this, meta descriptions were 155-character long. Yet with this new update, the character limit has been changed to 300-characters long.   For more SEO information or other digital marketing posts, then take a look at our blog page. Or if you would like some SEO help for your site then contact us, we will be happy to help.