Why you need to brand social media images

Social Media Content
Social Media Strategy
Branding Design
Digital Strategy
Software Development
Web Development
Brand Innovation

Thousands of people share social media images on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and more every single day. When they share content, they usually do this without noting the original source or the brand.

Imagine how frustrating it would be to spend hours crafting a perfectly articulated post, only to find the person who ends up reading it, whether it’s 5 or 50 shares down the line, doesn’t even know it was you who posted it. This happens more often than it should, and it all comes down to branding.

One way to avoid this is to brand your posts with your company logo. By stamping your logo onto the images you attach to your posts, you can associate your brand with every share that occurs, whether that’s 5, or 50!

Create your brand stamp

When an image is branded with your logo on social media, it doesn't matter how many times it is re-tweeted. Every time, the reader knows the original source. It also means that as a business, you get the credit you deserve. And if that tweet gains social media traction, your brand is in prime position to receive the benefit.

If you look at the original source of the image, you’ll see the “brand stamp” is not there. This is fine when the image is on your own site, as they already associate you as the source. However, if it’s shared, without your brand stamp you lose out on gaining the credit and brand association of your efforts. 

How do I do this?!

Ultimately, it’s essential to put a stamp on any images you share on social media to optimise the impact of marketing efforts. You don’t need a professional to add the image for you. There are many tools out there that brand images swiftly, and for half the price.

Full Fat Things' social media branding tool, Super Social Polish, does this exactly. The tool is embedded in your site, so when you or a reader shares a page to their socials, it automatically brands editorials images with your logo and the headline. For a seamless branded sharing experience, come and have a chat with us: https://www.fullfatthings.com/contact-us