What is bespoke software and why does my company need it?

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There comes a time when every business has to choose the best software to maximise its growth.

Whether you want to replace an existing system or invest in a completely new solution, you have two options: an off-the-shelf package or bespoke software services. Despite the relative ease and affordability of generic solutions, custom software continues to grow in popularity. But why are so many companies choosing bespoke software and does your company really need it?

What is bespoke software?

Bespoke software is tailored toward specific users and unique business requirements. Unlike off-the-shelf software, which is designed as a large-scale generic solution, bespoke software services are completely customisable. A bespoke software company can provide stand-alone products for different devices and applications, or it can design software that seamlessly integrates with existing systems.

What does it offer than off-the-shelf doesn't, we hear you ask?

Tailor-made software can improve productivity, customer service, employee wellbeing and sales. Off-the-shelf products might seem like quick, lower budget options, but they are too broad in scope to align with specific business needs and USPs. Bespoke software is scalable and secure, which aligns with organisational objectives. 

Full control

The true brilliance of bespoke software lies in its flexibility. It can be used to integrate with existing systems, replace legacy systems or create an entirely new solution. Since it’s tailored to an organisation’s specific needs and goals, clients can create workflows that are functional and appealing to all stakeholders. Out-of-the-box products offer a one-size-fits-all solution with an abundance of features you might never use. Why bog down your system with lots of redundant features?

A competitive edge

Bespoke software gives your company a competitive advantage. While off-the-shelf solutions are comparable to most of your competitors’ offerings, a custom-made solution will help you stand out by providing a unique user experience. Faster, more efficient and targeted processes enable you to keep one step ahead of your competitors and encourage brand loyalty from customers. 

The potential for high profits

Although companies have to invest more money up front into bespoke software solutions, this cost is offset by a strong long-term ROI. For example, Full Fat Things helped Google dramatically reduce the costs of translations on its maps and local listings. We achieved this by building a Drupal-based solution that tracked versions of translations in several languages.

A generic software application wouldn’t have been able to offer this level of customisation and guidance for both Google’s translators and editorial owners. We always use established open source software, such as Drupal, Ember.js and Python, as a foundation for our bespoke software development services. We call this ‘standing on the shoulders of giants’.

Grows with your business

Despite its name, off-the-shelf software often has a shelf life. An out-of-the-box product might be fine for your company at first, but as your business needs expand, you could find your potential limited by your existing software. For example, you might notice employees are wasting time on inputting duplicate data, or perhaps your software doesn’t allow for automation.

A bespoke software company can create applications with the most cutting-edge technology that not only follow industry best practices, but lead the way in digital transformation. Specialist media company Key Publishing’s key.aero platform hadn’t aged well and had a very limited digital offering. Full Fat Things helped transform the outdated platform into an engaging digital content hub. We automated the process of adding print articles to the website, which included years of past content. This reduced the time staff spent on menial and repetitive tasks. We also implemented a permissions system for readers to access physical magazine subscriptions digitally with the potential to buy additional content.

Bespoke software is best implemented with an ongoing strategy that you can review, modify and update as your needs evolve. Off-the-shelf might be an easy and convenient short-term fix, but it could be a costly mistake, particularly for ambitious companies who plan to rapidly upscale or expand their services. 

Does my company need a bespoke software development company?

The right solution for your company depends on your specific circumstances. But bespoke software has many advantages, making it worth the initial investment because you will ultimately save time and money. Developing features around your organisation’s unique workflow will minimise the complexity of your software. A bespoke software company can develop and maintain a custom solution to help streamline your processes. 

The right software partner will take the time to understand your business and customers. They will be on hand to offer expert advice and provide tailored training to your staff throughout the planning stages, during development and after implementation. 

Are you looking for a bespoke software solution? Get in touch with us to find out how we can help: https://www.fullfatthings.com/contact-us