Brand Identity: The Psychology of Colour

13th September 2017

It’s a Scientific Theory: Colour Influences Human Emotions and Behaviour!

In this blog article, we will discuss the fascinating world of colour psychology, the emotional and behavioural impact of colour, and the importance of selecting the right colour scheme for your brand…


Colour Psychology

Scientific studies have shown that different colours evoke different emotions and reactions, with evolutionary, social and cultural factors all playing a role in our evaluation of colours. It must be noted that whilst the research suggests that there are trends, each of us has our own, unique preferences.

According to psychological studies, red provokes excitement and energy and, interestingly, due to the complex structure of the eye, it has the property of appearing close than it is, thus grabbing our attention. This is the reason why multiple fast-food chains persist with the colour red. In a highly competitive market where major brands are located on the same high-street, they need to grab consumers’ attention.

Blue, meanwhile, communicates intelligence, stability, wisdom and trust. Lots of charities and health organisations utilise the colour blue for this very reason; they want to build relationships and one way to successfully achieve this is via their brand identity; blue symbolises trust and loyalty.

In contrast, yellow promotes confidence, extraversion and friendliness. Not surprisingly, given its environmental link, green evokes harmony, peace and restoration.

Gender and age both play a role in determining reactions to different colours. For example, multiple studies indicate that blue stands out more for males than females, whilst evidence suggests that younger children prefer brighter colours. Think of toy some famous toy stores and brands, they largely use bright colours to entice the younger consumer!

This research is poignant because it highlights the importance of thinking about your target market when constructing or refreshing your brand identity.


Your Brand: The Significance of Colour

Firstly, it is important to state that there are no right or wrong colours; only colours which may receive a better response than others from your target market.

Here at CSI Media, our team of designers place great importance on understanding your target audience, your brand personality, and the product or service that you’re providing.

Whether it’s a new brochure, a logo, packaging or website design, we consider the psychological impact of colours, market conditions and design aspects, in order to achieve your desired goal, whether it’s grabbing attention, engaging consumers, building trust or increasing purchase intentions.