Web Design Trends 2020

In just over three months, January 2020 will be here. Doesn’t that sound scary to hear?! It feels like 2019 has only just begun. This means it is time to start thinking about giving your website a bit of a revamp, and stay ahead of the curve with Website Design demands. In this blog today we are going to give you an insight into what we predict to be big Website Design trends for the upcoming year, so shall we get started?  

Web Design Trends 2020



  First things first, every website should be mobile friendly, especially in this day and age, right? But it would surprise you that quite a few websites out there still are not mobile friendly. Did you know that 60% of web traffic comes from a mobile?    Your audience now have the fortune of being able to access the internet anywhere, at any time, which ultimately means that a lot of people now visit a website via their mobile phone, as opposed to via desktop, and a website that has been well designed to be mobile friendly makes the viewing experience much more pleasurable. Not to mention that when Google looks at a website it views them as mobile first, so if your website isn’t mobile friendly, Google won’t like it! In 2020 we will see the number of businesses that recognise the need for a mobile-responsive website increase, as by this point there really is no excuse for websites that do not cater to a mobile device audience.  

Online Security

  Do you think you only need to consider the best possible online security if you take payments through your website? Well if so, you would be mistaken. With so much time spent online these days, and the easy access to link and share content through your personal social media accounts, then you should really be considering how you can implement the best online security for your audience. No matter what sort of website you have, security should be paramount and your number one concern to keep not only yourself safe, but your clients too!  

Asymmetric Layouts

  Switching things up in terms of the layouts of your website landing pages is a great way of refreshing your website and giving it a more modern, edgy look. Most websites you will see tend to be designed very symmetrical, and almost grid-based, and while this does look easy on the eye and provides a simple viewing experience for the audience, it can begin to just fit into the mould, as opposed to standing out and leaving a lasting impression on your visitor. This can be easy to implement, and In today’s climate, where every website wants to stand out, it’s vital to stay ahead of the curve. However it is something that you should consider with your audience in mind, the content you post and the sector that you work in. Bear in mind that it has to work for your content and brand in order for it to be a success and keep your audience happy.   

Voice Recognition

  We all know how quick your attention span can dip when you are searching for something in particular, which is one of the main factors that contribute to a website’s bounce rate. One trend that we expect to see increase and develop in 2020 will be the effective accessory of voice recognition plug-ins such as Siri, Google Now and Cortana to ask their request outloud, rather than type it manually. We are all looking for ways to maximise our time and speed up processes, so this could be a great area for businesses to tap into and learn more!  


  Ensuring that you are uploading consistent and regular content that reflects who your brand is, what you can offer to your audience, and what sets you aside from other brands, is vitally important. You want to be your customers first port of call when it comes to reading exciting and engaging fresh content, and once you have them there - you want to hang onto them. Constantly rising your content game during 2020 will only improve your website traffic and Google visibility - (help make you more visible to Google).   

Get In Touch

  If we have got you thinking about improving your website in time for the new year, then why not get in touch? We are a friendly, fun digital marketing agency based on Gosforth high street, with a tight-knit team of professionals who are all experts in their own fields including SEO, Web Development and Design, Social Media Management. Graphic Design, PPC and Analytical Data. We work around the clock with a client-focused mentality to re-focus your brand’s digital presence. Give us a call today on 0191 285 6128 or email us at tickleus@wrigglemarketing.co.uk, or alternatively if you are in the area, then why not pop in for a coffee to discuss more!