SEO June 2019 Core Update

Earlier in June, Google rolled out another algorithm update - whilst we have had some time to process it, the full extent of this update is still very much unknown. Of course, Google never tells you what the update entails but we have listed the main points to take from the update below. If you think you have been affected by the algorithm update then contact our dedicated SEO team to find out how we can help you and your website recover! 

Video Carousels in SERPs

Much like a previous update, we are seeing another huge jump in video carousels appearing in the SERPs! Youtube videos, in particular, will now appear in around 60% of Google searches on a desktop - this change to the SERP layout saw YouTube’s visibility grow by 25% in just one week! 

Targetting lower-quality news sites

It appears that Google is now targetting lower-quality news websites with this update - producing high quality and extremely up to date content has never been more important! For example, the Daily Mail (an extremely large online news publisher) has lost an around half of its organic website traffic after this update! It has been found that this domain has seen a decrease in visibility by 43% - which is huge! However there has been a lot of speculation over this matter - many people think this may have something to do with the ads, site speed, the content and also the political slant of the news website.  In addition to this CCN’s traffic from Google searches dropped more than 71% on mobile overnight! 

Google Announced this Update 

Another point that many people have noticed, is that Google actually announced that a major Google Update, altering the core algorithm, was coming. This information was published on the Google Search Liaison Twitter channel just a day before the update was set to happen! Google are normally not one to pre-warn us of these updates - and while this time they did, in true Google fashion they didn’t give us much time to prepare for it! 

Contact Us 

We are still looking and researching this update every day! Unfortunately, it has been a big one and potentially affected many people - however with every new update there is always ways to combat it! Here at Wriggle Marketing, we are dedicated to finding the solutions for you and your business - all of our clients are extremely supported and we provide the knowledge and assistance with matters like this. If you think you need some help from our SEO experts, don’t hesitate to contact us today!