Things which haven’t changed in marketing

Marketing has been around for years now, and it is constantly changing! However, there are some things which have never changed, and things which won’t change any anytime soon!

Constant learning

A bit of a contradiction here, but as the industry does change, you will constantly be learning and understanding the new ways of the industry. It can be a learning curve in which something that was once perfect needs to be changed due to it being outdated.

Customers actions measures success

Your customer’s actions will always be the best indicator of your marketing campaigns. No matter how much effort you put into your campaigns, if your customers don’t interact with them, there is no point. It is the best indicator of your campaigns and always will be!

Trial and error

With every campaign, marketing stunt etc. you will inevitably get some parts wrong. It goes back to the first point, we are constantly learning and growing. Understanding what makes it work and what doesn’t.

Four P’s

There is an analogy in marketing which is called the 


P’s. These have stayed in the industry and are going to still be the main focus of marketing. Product, place, price and promotion is what the marketer should have on their mind at all times.   Therefore, with these 4 things remaining constant, you will always know what is going on within the industry and how to remain within the marketing world. For more information on marketing or if you would like us to help with your business’s marketing, then get in touch.