Lee nathan (Executive Director)

Lee nathan


I’m not one of these people who has a work persona and a social persona. From the minute I get up to the minute I wind down, I’m thinking, doing, creating, moving. Friends and co-workers would agree that I’m one of life’s go-getters: someone who’s not content with staying still and letting life pass by.

It’s why I started Studiovine, and it’s played a large part in how the company has grown over the years. It’s why I’ve was appointed chairman and now area lead for Federation of Small Businesses, encouraging SMEs to do and be their best. And it’s why my local and national network is filled with people I’m proud to call friends as well as colleagues.

With a strong background in sales which steadily, naturally morphed into marketing a good few years ago, I’m most certainly a people person. I’m happiest when I’m meeting new folks, finding out about their businesses and identifying ways in which we can all smash our ambitions.

My passion for helping local and national brands achieve their goals is coupled with a natural energy and lust for adventure. It’s what I do every day, and I love it.