A brave new world? RPM on the metaverse in The Drum

25th January 2022

As with any emergent technology, the metaverse is currently a mix of old and new – for the most part, a patchwork of recreations of IRL experiences ranging from the sublime to the banal. For our deep dive on all things metaverse, RPM’s creative director Simon Evans argues that those who get it right all focus on one thing: experience.

The metaverse is polarizing, both in idea and application. Some see it as a higher state of being for the future’s experience economy, others as the latest tech marketing quackery.

For most people who don’t live in Team Zuck’s Meta HQ, the metaverse is a new concept, so far involving a series of digital worlds that don’t properly connect. If the big players continue to create closed ecosystems, then they may never do so.

Read more HERE.