Lindsay Reckless (Head of Culture & Fame)

Lindsay Reckless


“She loves to talk (a lot) and always get’s on so well with everyone in the school…” this was a common theme throughout my time in school. So it came as no surprise when I took on this role at Reckless, one that is centred around showing what Reckless is all about and getting the most out of people in what they want to achieve both professionally and personally, to support them along the way.

Having worked in the digital sector for many years now, I’ve learnt along the way what makes a truly great company; it’s your people. I’m very proud of the team that we have here at Reckless, everyone brings something new and interesting to our company but all with one similarity; to do the best possible job and push Reckless forward, which makes it a genuine pleasure to come to work each day.