Kate Gorringe (Creative Director)

Kate Gorringe


Kate heads up our dynamic studio of designers, art directors and copywriters. Involved in concept creation, she is as skilled at crafting beautiful copy as she is at designing. With an eagle like eye for detail, Kate oversees every piece of work that makes its way through the creative department.

Having previously spent 20 years working her way through top London agencies, Kate has crafted branding, advertising and marketing communications for around 30% of the FTSE 100. She’s repackaged Sainsbury’s Bank, sold the UK to foreign investors for UKTI, turned up the volume for Yell Group brand and helped BT staff be better connected with each other. Kate has in-depth experience of the branding and marketing behind retail financial services, third and public sector, professional services, health care, sport and manufacturing.

When she’s not doing being Creative Director, you’ll find Kate in the kitchen flexing her culinary wizardry. Sans apron, Kate enjoys seeking out new dining experiences and was once on the verge of launching a seafood restaurant, before digesting the unappetising returns. She works off all the food by exercising her cheeky Maltese pup, Dylan.