Video Content: Your Audience is Ready, Are You?

B2C - Brand Strategy
B2B - Brand Strategy
Brand Advertising Creative
Online Creative
Video Advertising
Corporate Internal Comms
Corporate Communications
Corporate Video
Branding Design
Design Strategy
Web Design
Brand Activation
Brand Films

Research shows that the demand for video content is outstripping the current supply. Which isn’t surprising if you think about it. We’re consuming videos at unprecedented rates; TikTok transformations, unboxing videos, DIY tutorials, gaming walk-throughs, explainer videos, webinars, demonstrations, and reviews. People are watching more video online than ever before – in fact the amount of online video we watch has almost doubled since 2018.


Audiences are watching more video than ever

While the time spent watching videos has risen consistently for the past 3 years, from 12.2 billion minutes to 14.6 billion minutes, the rate of videos uploaded has remained the same. This means that audience demand to watch is outpacing the supply.


Why do we love video?

People will…

be twice as likely to share video content than any other type of content.

watch 500 million hours of video content on YouTube alone, with only 16% saying they read text word for word.

remember more of what they watch than what they read. 80% can recall a video they watched in the past month whereas only 10% could remember something they read.


Don’t get left behind

  • 86% of businesses already use video as a marketing tool.
  • In a survey of 800 video marketers, the majority are planning to increase their output with a predicted increase of 10% on their original budget.
  • 87% of marketers believe they get positive ROI on their investment in video content.
  • Between 33 – 35% of companies said they were uploading video content monthly or weekly.

How long should a video be?

  • Videos under 1 minute are the most popular because research suggests that engagement drops off after about that time.
  • Facebook only accepts videos up to 90 seconds long while the YouTube standard is 10 minutes.
  • More companies are starting to create long-form videos (30+min), often in the form of webinars which are cost effective to produce.
  • Longer-form content creation is rising fast, but this relies on having loyal, existing viewers with brand affinity.

In summary…

People love video and they’re sharing it like crazy which means it’s fast becoming an essential component of your marketing toolkit.  As a format it’s always expanding, changing, and evolving to satisfy consumer needs and emerging platforms.