Mobile First Indexing – What Does It Mean For You?


If you’re not already mainly browsing the internet via mobile device, you may actually be going against the popular curve.  It’s been recognised in recent years that more and more of us are taking to our phones and tablets to browse the web, to socialise and to read emails – and why not?  For businesses and brands, however, this has meant thinking long and hard about making big changes to their websites to ensure that they meet mobile-friendly standards and protocols.  Getting your website up and running on mobile is easier than it seems – as well as hugely recommended – and there’s more than a few reasons for this.

Google & Mobile First Indexing

A big reason is, of course, revolving around what Google is currently doing with its ever-changing algorithm. Google is focusing on mobile first indexing – which means that their crawlers will look for, and analyse, mobile versions of websites first. This is, it’s being reported, to ensure that the mobile searchers get access to functional and engaging content best suited to their devices first.  While desktop sites may have been considered the norm and the default standard to index for the longest time, things are moving in the direction of portability – and this means you’re going to need to start thinking about whether or not your website and online presence is ready for the mobile revolution.

Make sure your Website is Prepared

If you don’t prepare your website for mobile first indexing, you stand to lose out on a huge amount of essential traffic. This is because Google will simply favour more mobile-friendly and mobile-ready sites over yours. It’s that simple. With this in mind, it is certainly more than high time to start considering the way your website appears to mobile users.  It’s not enough to just have a social media presence – you need a website for your brand that’s easy to use and which doesn’t overwhelm users and readers on mobile devices. While this might sound like a little bit of a challenge, it really isn’t.

Responsive Design and Strategic Content

You should almost certainly lead with responsive design for your website altogether. This will allow your pages to automatically morph to any device which may read it – presenting your text and images in a mobile-friendly format which is easy to read and requires little else than a finger or thumb to scroll down, and to tap to open simple menus. You should also think about content strategy, too. In this day and age, branding has already simplified so massively – why over-share? Offer your visitors the basics, not only for the sake of simplicity, but also for the sake of being as engaging as possible. Corporate waffle is hurting your business in more ways than one.

Mark Shipley, Managing Director, fenti Limited.