Sophie Caswell (Head of Strategy and Client Service)

Sophie Caswell


Multi-talented, humongously experienced in all things agency

Sophie is a pretty amazing human. We could leave it there, but we also have the minerals to back it up. Having once worked in London for large global agencies, ‘Caswell’ longed for a more casual relationship with the train, so took her talents to a local full service digital marketing agency. There she applied her digital marketing prowess to help countless organisations to identify and articulate their needs, concoct great ideas to get them noticed, and then ensure it’s built to time and budget through the power of the Decision Sprint.

When not hard at work, she is working hard at proving naysayers wrong by succeeding in anything she’s told she can’t do, including learning an instrument, horticulture, plastering, or even decoupage. She has a particular knack for knitting, needle felting and sewing, and is slowly amassing an army of felted Christmas penguins…

See what we mean; pretty amazing. 

Quote: “Call that a challenge?! I don’t think so…”