Mobile email marketing in 6 easy steps

9th August 2016

It’s impossible to ignore the fact that over 50% of emails are now opened on a mobile device. This poses a new set of challenges for email marketing for mobile devices as poorly displaying and unresponsive mailings lead to an increased risk for unsubscribes *lets out blood curdling scream*


Here we present six ways to make your mobile email campaign look great, be engaging and perform like a demon.


1. Be succinct with your copy. Keep important details at the top along with an irresistible call-to-action (CTA). Space is obviously limited and attention spans are goldfish-esque – you’ve got just 8 seconds to reel them in – and it’s most likely the recipient will be skim reading.


2. The CTA text must be commanding and give a clear instruction. Place it in a prominent position and in a contrasting colour. We’ve all been there trying to click a link or button using the corner of a none existent fingernail, tongue hanging out in concentration. Nobody wants to feel like they have sausage fingers so please make sure it’s tappable folks! The button should be at least 44-50 square pixels with a minimum of 10 pixels of white space around it.


3. On mobile devices, a 25-30 character subject line is what you’ve got to play with and don’t forget to factor in that some text may get truncated – where text is cut off after a certain point in the display – so this is definitely the time to be A/B split testing.


4. Those tiny screens can be tricky to read from if you’re not blessed with 20/20 vision, so fonts should be souped up a little to 14px for body copy and 22px for headlines.


5. Images in email bring things to life – but in the case of mobile opens keep them to a minimum as not to lose readers due to sluggish downloads.


6. Optimising the preheader text is important as it’s visible on all mobile devices. The little snag about this one, however, is that email clients vary quite a bit when it comes to how much text is displayed. It can be anywhere from 75 -150 characters, which is way more than the actual subject line and ideal opportunity for a cracking preview message.


With our email sending service BLINK, we like to keep things drama free by providing free fully-responsive templates so you’re not preparing for battle every time you want to create a campaign. Just simply click, drag and drop. Job done. Get in touch by emailing us at if you’d like to see how easy it is to create mobile-ready emails, or if you like we can design a bespoke one for you!


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