How to build a content strategy toolkit: Your ABC template

Content Marketing
Content Strategy/Creation
B2B - Brand Strategy

Your content strategy toolkit template

In all the marketing roles you’ve held, you’ve probably seen dozens of different documents relating to content strategy.

But according to The Content Marketing Institute’s B2C Content Marketing 2020 report, only 33% of B2C marketers have detailed theirs. So do you have it? If so, which file is it?

The main cause of the confusion, and the resulting lack of cohesive plans, is disparate inputs. Brand teams, social media specialists and SEO experts – everyone comes at it with a slightly different, overlapping and sometimes contradictory slant.

If you have goals, insights and messages flying at you from all angles, and it’s your job to align and prioritise them, you need a central content strategy toolkit: a framework of resources to focus thinking and a shared language to cut through blank stares.

Sound good? Follow our simple ABC structure to start building yours. We’ll help you check off what you have and clearly articulate what you need…
