ABM - helping you target key accounts more effectively

Account-Based Marketing

What is ABM?

In the simplest of terms, ABM is a B2B strategy that focuses sales and marketing resources on a specific target account, set of target accounts, or target industry.


Why give it a go?

Stronger client relations, a shorter sales cycle, clearer results and better team alignment – ABM has loads of benefits, and these stats prove it:

87% of B2B marketers agree ABM delivers greater ROI than other marketing activities

Businesses using ABM generate 200% more revenue from their marketing efforts

A fifth of companies using ABM for at least a year report revenue growth of over 30%


How we do ABM

Phase one

We kick off with a pre-account planning workshop call to be sure participants are aligned. You’ve chosen your target, and you all agree it’s full steam ahead.


Phase two 

We invite account leads and solutions architects to an account planning workshop, which answers the following:

1. Where are we?

We explore current connections to the company or industry you’re looking to target and identify key contacts or business users we want to reach.

2. Where are we going?

We tackle questions like which accounts to focus on, and which products or solutions would be most relevant.

3. How are we going to get there?

We pinpoint messaging themes that speak to your target audience’s challenges and choose channels that’ll get their attention.

4. How will we know when we’ve arrived?

We establish KPIs to monitor campaign progress and success. From advocacy to engagement, you pick what matters most.


Phase three

We pull together a detailed post account planning report, outlining key themes for your target account or industry. We use these to develop a value proposition that succinctly explains how you can solve business challenges for key contacts.


Phase four

We move into campaign ideation and activity planning, bringing themes to life through compelling creative assets that are mapped against a comprehensive, cross-channel comms plan.


Phase five

All that’s left to do now is activate the comms plan – go, go, go!