Mary Ann Johnn (Social Media Planner)

Mary Ann Johnn


Mary-Ann is our Social Media Planner at Bloom, with a decade of experience in online marketing to her name. A creative digital marketer, she is a vital component of the delivery team at Bloom.

Project plans are at the forefront of every good social media planner’s mind, and Mary-Ann is no exception. With an innate ability to see the big picture, considering all factors from PR to SEO, she is process driven and is as adept at dealing with the detail as she is with the wider plan.

Before Bloom, Mary-Ann worked as a freelance consultant, providing social media strategy and training to clients, in addition to managing social profiles, content and email campaigns with brands such as Samsung, HP and Thomas Cook.

Mary-Ann’s passion for social media extends into her personal life, where she can be found geeking on Twitter, Instagramming, regularly attending social media events and reading up on the latest digital trends, in between binging on US TV series’!